Leading Ladies of TSC: Amalia Casas

Our next Leading Lady of TSC is Amalia Casas!

Fun fact: The women of TSC have led the path to our international growth – the pioneers starting our regional offices in EMEA and LATAM are both women.

Hear how she does it below!

How long have you been working with TSC?

4 years and 6 months.  

What is the most interesting thing you’ve learned while working here?

What is good can be even better… You have to be prepared for changes.  

What do you look forward to the most each day?

Eureka moments when a client shares with us the discovery of how useful the technology is in solving daily issues. I also love when core users share with us how cool their work looks when presented using metrics or tools we’ve provided.

What challenges (if any) do you face being a woman in your role?

Most high profile positions in Latin America are still occupied by men even though everybody recognises women’s capabilities. It will take some time for that equality to be reflected in top positions.  

How important do you think it is to have a diverse team when it comes to tackling complex issues?

Each different background, gender and culture contributes to an “out of the box” solution.  

What would you say to other women who want to work in tech?

Be innovative and creative, all you can imagine is possible, the limits are just a matter of time and perseverance.  

What personal or professional accomplishments are you most proud of?

Open a new business unit thousands of kilometres away from Head Quarters and being connected on daily basis.  

What’s one leadership lesson you’ve learned in your career?

Behind all issues is people (and communication challenges involved).

What’s your favorite technology (anything from a Roomba to Skype)?

All video conference systems that allow us to be connected no matter the distance.