Leading Ladies of TSC: Chelsie Delecki

The next in our Leading Lady series showcases our wonderful Chelsie Delecki!

Fun fact: Upon the launch of our initial Atium product in 2018, the in-house development team who brought it to life was 50% women.

See below for Chelsie’s views on being a woman in tech…

How long have you been working with TSC?

2 years and 2 months

What is the most interesting thing you’ve learned while working here?

I’ve learned so much about the various cultures that my colleagues come from.  

What do you look forward to the most each day?  

Solving problems with technology, connecting with my teammates, and empowering them to be successful.

What challenges (if any) do you face being a woman in your role?  

There are very few female role models in the Information Security space.  

How important do you think it is to have a diverse team when it comes to tackling complex issues?

I think that having a diverse team is one of the most essential ingredients to solving problems in the tech space.   When I think of diversity I think of gender, culture, age, technical aptitude, lifestyle, life stage, industry and educational background - all these things that shape who we are when we come to work each day, how we solve problems, and how we leverage technology.  Our users and customers come from every facet of life and culture, if our team reflects that same diversity we are more able to build and provide solutions that meet their needs.

What would you say to other women who want to work in tech?

We need you. It’s never too late to join.

What personal or professional accomplishments are you most proud of?

I’m most proud of walking away from a successful tech career to care for my children and support my husband … and then coming back to tech after a 13-year break.  

What’s one leadership lesson you’ve learned in your career?

Connected teams who trust and respect one another can accomplish amazing things, far more than the same individuals can achieve alone. I’m a giant fan of Adam Grant.  His quote, “The most meaningful way to succeed is to help others succeed” resonates with me.   Success should be a group goal, rather than a personal goal.  

What’s your favorite technology?

I’m completely in love with my Garmin Smart Watch. From a functional point of view, I couldn’t balance the demands of work and family life without my smart phone.