Leading Ladies of TSC: Danae Friedrichs

The last (but certainly not least) leading lady of TSC is our not just our General Manager in EMEA, but also our longest standing team member, Danae Friedrichs!

Fun Fact: Our CTO, Cesare Tagliaferri, was nominated in 2018 for the United Nations HeForShe award for championing women in tech.

See Danae’s take below:

How long have you been working with TSC?

7 years.

What is the most interesting thing you’ve learned while working here?

That everybody - whether you have the technical skills or not - has a valuable role to play in a tech startup. At TSC, we are all (tech, data analysts, finance, HR, sales and marketing teams) expected to actively take part in our tech development. Being personally and professionally invested in each other and to the company’s mission, we take pride in the product we’ve built as it represents the entirety of our team. I am proud to say that TSC’s intelligent stakeholder management solution is far superior to any platform I used in my previous experience in the government intelligence sector.

What do you look forward to the most each day?

I am energized when I have coffee (or wine) with my colleagues and clients, whether in-person or virtually. I work with extremely smart, creative, mission-driven people - all of whom inspire me to support them achieve success in their respective areas.

What challenges (if any) do you face being a woman in your role?

Particularly in the intelligence and security sectors, women are sometimes overlooked if they don’t look like the stereotypical law enforcement or military male. So even if I am a younger-looking, Asian-American female, I am confident I can also contribute to this space.

How important do you think it is to have a diverse team when it comes to tackling complex issues?

The strength of a team is bolstered by its diversity in gender, age, culture, professional and educational backgrounds. TSC is a tech company that is constantly inventing and only through being open to different ideas can we reach new levels of innovation.

What would you say to other women who want to work in tech?

Be willing to learn (and fail), think creatively, and work hard. Don’t be afraid of industry stereotypes or if you don’t possess a tech background. Take a tech course, find a mentor, and join your local tech communities. It’s an exciting time to be in this sector as the opportunities are limitless. Find your niche and go for it!

What personal or professional accomplishments are you most proud of?

Having a fulfilling career while raising three happy toddlers and moving around the world every couple years.

What’s one leadership lesson you’ve learned in your career?

Lead with conviction and empathy - both qualities make me a better team leader and parent.

What’s your favorite technology?

My iPhone - it allows me to be mobile while at the same time allowing me to read my news, take photos of my kids, track my runs, set calendar alarms to keep me on schedule of my daily tasks, and stay in contact with colleagues, friends and families who are scattered around the world.

tsc general manager